Noah Finn's Film Debut.
We've also posted new pics to our Flickr album.
Enjoy and happy, happy new year!
With Love,
Joni, Dean & Noah Finn
He's Arrived: Noah Finn Nelson!
Here are the recent adventures of Noah Finn, in a nutshell:
Just hours after our post below (we highly recommend Mexican food and hanky panky for inducing labor--hee, hee), my water broke and labor simultaneously began at 9:30 p.m.
We made ourselves comfy in the livingroom--I, on the couch with the kitty cats close by breathing and listening to our meditation cds and dean, baking cookies for the nurses and packing the last few odds and ends for the hospital. Though the surges were rather strong and frequent, we hypnobirthed at home for the first 4 hours of labor.
At 1:30 a.m. the surges were becomming stronger and were timed at 1 minute long and 1 minute apart, so we headed to the hospital.
Upon arrival, the internal exam found that I was 6 cm dialted--the nurses could not believe that we had spent 60% of our labor at home on our own with no doula or midwife! They admitted us immediately and we made our way to our labor and delivery room.
My meticulously organized and labeled birthing binder (with things for Dean to hang around the room, things for him to read to me, things to give the nurses, etc.) never made it out of our bag. Active labor had begun and we were in the throws of birthing! The Dr. quickly arrived an hour later and announced that I was already 10 cm dialated, but that Noah Finn had not yet dropped into my lower pelvic area and left to give us time to "work him down".
Just a few hours later, I felt the baby bearing down and was ready to deliver. With no drugs or tearing, Noah Finn was delivered naturally after 10.5 hours of labor on December 21, at 7:50 a.m. Weighing in at 8 lbs. and 8 oz. and 20 inches long, he was much bigger and more beautiful then we had ever imagined!
BUT, duh, duh, dun--plot twist. . .
A day after delivery and still at the hospital serving the mandatory "recovery" period stay, a blood test revealed that Noah Finn tested COOMBS positive or ABO incompatible (basically, he and I have incompatible blood types--I am O+ and he is A+). The incompatibility causes my blood's antibodies to attack his and the result is a build up of bilirubins. Bilirubins are naturally occuring components in the body, but when there is too much, jaundice is the result and a period under special lights are required until the body can naturally "flush" them out via bowel movements.
So, the next thing that we knew, our new little beautiful bundle was wheeled away to sun under special lights in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU). After a few good days of crying, sleepless nights spent with him in the NICU and Christmas Eve and Christmas Day spent in the NICU, Dean and I were finally able to take Noah Finn home at 11:30 p.m. on Christmas Day. A visit to the Dr. yesterday for one last blood test confirmed that Noah Finn is very happy and healthy.
Our first 48 hours home have been exciting, but we are still recovering from the accrued exhaustion resulting from the birth and NICU ordeal. At least 10 loads of laundry, 100 dirty diapers and 2 continued sleepless nights later, we are happily breast feeding and cloth diapering our way through each day just happy to have him home.
Going forward, we'll do a much better job keeping this blog updated with pictures and updates--so our families do not go simply mad! Thank you all again for your love, support and concern.
For pictures of our Noah Finn,
visit our Flickr photo album!
With Love,
Joni, Dean & Noah Finn
Three Days Late and a Labor Short.
- Raspberry leaf tea
- Organic mexican chow fest
- More vigorous than usual walk including stairs and hills
- Hanky panky
So, until next post . . .
That's The Way This Cookie Crumbled.
When all of a sudden, I felt a slow trickle down both of my legs. I quickly slid the cookies into the oven and ran to the bedroom to awaken a sleeping Dean. After eagerly explaining what I thought was happening, he sleepily smiled, gave me a high five, and rose from bed to join me in my excitement. We both found comfortable places on our living room couches to sit and wait for the next "phase" to arrive.
After making eyes and quietly smiling at one another from across the room for several minutes--in a well-done, we've done it, hooray, we've succeeded, kind of way--we began to struggle with whether I should continue to prepare for work in the case of a false alarm or settle down for the inevitable long haul that could be ahead.
After several minutes of wavering indecision (is it, isn't it?), we decided to alert my work that the big day had definitively come and settled in to our comfy positions on the sofa beneath piles of blankets, cats and the dim glow of lights from our Christmas decorations.
Seconds, then minutes, then an hour passed--nothing. Soon, Dean was asleep once again while I laid fidgeting, unable to rest, and wondering if and when anything would happen.
Nothing did. And, needless to say, it's now 5:16 p.m. following a vigorous walk and many calls from family and friends and Noah Finn is still snugly situated inside my tummy with no signs of an imminent exit.
Despite what it may appear, we're staying cool, calm, and collected. Heck, I even meditated to my hypnobirthing cds today--before my thoughts wandered again and again to chanting the mantra "no inducement, no inducement, no inducement". We promise, despite what might glaringly appear as obsessive neurosis, we really are enjoying (*trying our hardest to*) this beautiful time of preparing for the birth of our little one.
We're now off to Hollywood Video to stock up on all of the comedy we can get our grubby little paws on (Netflix just won't be able to deliver fast enough)--they say laughter helps. "Baby Momma" is on the top of the list--Amy Poehler and Tina Fey never disappoint! We're open for any further suggestions you might have!?
Beginning today, Dean and I are officially off of work until . . . until. Cabin fever must not set in.
A Day Late and A Labor Short.
- Ate the famous "The The Salad" (labor inducing maternity salad) at Caioti Cafe in Studio City
- Prepared and consumed super spicy chili for dinner, lunch and dinner again
- Took several flights of stairs at work
- Went on a long, vigorous walk in the park
- Drank a thermos of raspberry leaf tea
- Bounced, grooved and moved on the birthing ball
- Ate fresh pineapple
The Wisdom Of A True Doula.
"Dear Joni, Dean and Noah:
On this cold and rainy day, how wonderful must be to find yourself in the womb, totally sheltered, protected, loved, awaited for... as you are completing your divine perfection and taking the necessary time to do it.
On this cold and rainy day, how wonderful it must be to find yourself ready to receive your dear baby, with the certainty that he will be here at the right time, not one minute earlier, not one minute later. Have the confidence and serenity that the understanding of the process and preparation has given you.
How wonderful it must be to enjoy every moment, knowing that it is unique and irreproducible, calmly building up for the miracle of birth with inner peace and gratitude.
Remember, he is not over due until week 42. Everything is perfect.
Love and light,
Oh Lordy, No Noah At 40.
In the meantime, Dean, who has not had a beard during the 8 years that we have been together (because he has bald patches on his cheeks where hair just won't grow), decided several days ago to not shave again until Noah Finn comes--"like they do in the playoffs" he said. He looks very cute and furry--which is appropriate given this "cold" spell of rain and winter weather that Los Angeles is experiencing this week (okay, it's only down in the middle to upper 50's, but that's COLD for L.A.--I can see my breath!)!
My Grandma Elsie, who called this morning at 8:00 a.m., proposed that he'll be a Christmas Eve baby . . . and many others say he'll be "late" because he's a first baby. My best friend, Jessica, claims it's only natural that he make a tardy entrance because being fashionably late is just the "Surette way" (at least the Joni Surette way!). So, we'll see. As long as he doesn't go past 42 weeks when we'll have to take medical measures to remove him from his snugly home.
We have a Drs. appointment today and will post if we learn anything new and exciting. Otherwise, Dean with his holey beard and I with my rounded belly are hunkering down to wait and anticipate . . . and will post again soon with an update, if there is one.
We've Got Ants In Our Pants.
I went to a more rigorous than usual prenatal yoga class on Saturday, have been taking longer walks than usual everyday since Friday (including hills and stairs), have been drinking fresh raspberry leaf tea by the pitcher (said to prepare the uterus), eating fresh pineapple (said to aid in starting labor), Dean prepared chili lime tilapia for dinner tonight (spicy foods are said to help stimulate the uterus) and we've even hanky-pankied, all in hopes little Noah may be ready--but no luck.
Technically, he still does have until Wednesday to be officially titled past his "due date"--we just thought we'd give him a little boost this weekend while we were off, ready, and waiting.
We really don't mind if he's "late", I guess, as long as we don't have to have any medical intervention (induction, yuck!) to get things "moving" along because he decides to cook longer than 42 weeks. Dean's mom and my Grandma Elsie called today to reassure us that this won't be the case. I am confident that they are right . . .
Anyway, still feeling great, so off to work tomorrow--and every day this week until either the term is over or he comes.
We'll keep you posted . . .
No News Is Good News, Right?
I have had no "usual" signs of preparing for labor like lightening, losing my mucus plug, leaky boobs, frequent practice contractions (at least not in the last month)--but then again, none of that necessarily has to happen to indicate labor is close by.
If our little bundle of joy doesn't make his debut between now and our next appointment, which is on our due date (the 17th), then we will schedule another appointment for the 23rd when we have agreed to have an internal exam to finally check for dilation, effacement and softening of the cervix--just to see how things are or aren't progressing. If nothing has happened by the 28th, our Dr. would like to schedule an induction for that day--but we really don't want that to happen. We are really wishing for the most natural birth possible.
I am still teaching in the mornings and afternoons and will continue to until I either begin to feel horrible or give birth to little Noah Finn! The last day of the winter term is this coming Friday, two days after our due date--so, we'll see if I make it to the end! And after that, Dean and I will be off for the holidays and will have nothing but time to wait for our best Christmas present ever!
We put up and decorated a beautiful 8 foot tree and put up the rest of the holiday decorations this week in preparation for Noah's first Christmas! Me, Dean and the boys all have stockings hung over the fireplace (with care, hee, hee) and I have saved a space in the middle for Noah Finn's. I am on the prowl now for the perfect stocking for him that he can have for his first Christmas and many years to come.
Otherwise, I'm keeping active by running non-stop baby errands (even for stuff we don't need but I am convinced we do!), prenatal yoga and walking. I'm drinking lots of raspberry leaf tea and putting flax seed on just about everything I eat. There's a restaurant in North Hollywood that we learned about in our birthing class (and have heard about from many moms) that serves a special "labor" salad. This salad is said to bring on labor within 24 hours of consumption! Maybe by late next week we'll give this salad and even perhaps a dose of castor oil a try if we're still waiting . . .
39 And Pregnancy Is Divine.
Since my belly doesn't look too differently this week than it did last, we thought we'd forgo a weekly oven shot and post some pics of nesting tasks as of late--we have been washing, washing, washing clothes, blankets, sheets, our cloth diapering supplies, you name it, we've washed it. From bath supplies to bedding to bouncer seats to his diaper bag, we are ready for little Noah Finn's arrival.
Let's start with our cloth diapering supplies. Exciting? We know, we think so too! Technological advances have touched every aspect of our lives--usually by making things quicker, easier, more convenient. Even the dreaded and unpleasant task of diapering has not been unaffected. The old methods of cloth diapering are far gone--today cloth diapering choices are vast (and pinless!). Velcro one-piece versions, with all of the conveniences of disposable but none of the environmental consequences, are available. They are on the more expens
We've had to move Noah's organic veggie toys from "Auntie" Sara up to the shelves above his changing table because Miles insists on unburying and taking them from Noah's toy basket--strangely the carrot and pea pod ONLY, while the tomato and mushroom remain untouched?! He meows to us that he is "breaking them in" for Noah Finn, but the little
Both his diaper bag and mine and Dean's bags are packed and ready to go on the floor of my closet--waiting for the 3 mile journey to the hospital for delivery. Dean and I plan to spend as much of the labor at home as possible, so hopefully if we've forgotten anything, we'll have time to shove it in at the last minute! Dean installed the carseat in the Volkswagen today and multiple copies of our birthplan are printed and ready to hand out to all of the Doctors and Nurses at the hospital. So, stay tuned . . . we'll keep you updated!
38 And Feeling Great.
We had a Dr. appointment today and little Noah Finn is doing just great. He's healthy, happy and has really chubby cheeks! He's still in head-down (ready to launch) position and the levels of amniotic fluid in the womb are very good--meaning, all systems are ready for take off . . . whenever he is. The Dr. doesn't think that he has "dropped" into my lower pelvis yet, but this is not a problem as we still have a good week and half until his projected "due date".
We have opted not to do any invasive internal examinations to check for cervix
Any day between now and Christmas, he could arrive (38-42 weeks). But, though we're extra excited to finally meet and snuggle him, as long as I keep feeling so great, we are in no rush and are ready whenever he feels that he is!
We have a "lunch date" this Sunday with a couple from our Hypnobirthing class who gave birth several weeks ago. We agreed to bring the lunch if they would share their birthing experience with us--they had a beautifully successful hypnobirthing birth--so, we're eager for the support and helpful wisdom.
Tonight, Dean and I are going on perhaps our last "official" yuppie-married-with-no-kids-date without towing baby or paying a sitter. Though this dinner and movie night will be sans wine and cocktails, we look forward to celebrating the end of one chapter of our lives together while officially welcoming the new!
He's Arrived: Introducing "Owen Vilppu Wilson"!

It all began at midnight on Sunday when Drew called letting me know that Annaliisa's water broke and her surges were beginning. She sounded very excited and as chatty as ever. Every three hours for the next 27, either Drew called me or I called Drew for updates. Each hour that passed down in San Diego, felt like an eternity in Los Angeles as I waited . . . for an exhausted Drew and surprisingly chirpy Ani to deliver news, updates, an indication of what was happening with baby Owen. Reported ups and downs in the delivery room at every call made each minute that passed, do so with tortoise speed.
When they finally called at 4:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning, I exhaled as deeply if I had been holding my breath for a very long time. Being 9 months pregnant and so far away was a very hard thing to be this week.
After hanging up the phone, I was unable to sleep--an incredible sense of joy and undeniable relief kept me up for nearly an hour as I thought about the happiness that Annaliisa and Drew were at that moment sharing.
Since that call, though Ani is still at the hospital recovering, we have spoken three times today! I just can't get enough of her elation and now well-earned experience. I hang on every fascinating detail as I share in her joy and excitement and prepare for my own birthing experience.

Though things went far from "as-planned" for Annaliisa and Drew, all I can wish for myself, Dean and Noah is that we have as happy of an ending as Annaliisa, Drew and Owen.
A Tale Of Two Stuffed Turkeys.
This year after much convincing, Dean talked me into throwing in the upside-down turkey towel and letting someone else take over basting duty . . . and I'm so glad he did! Our great friends and neighbors, Justin and Shea, invited us to join them for a beautiful dinner abound with many friends and both of their parents who flew in from Boston and Mississippi.
While we still managed to spend much of the day in our kitchen preparing dishes we promised to bring--Potato Gratin, Citrus Cranberry Relish, Rosemary & Garlic Buttermilk Biscuits and a Bittersweet Chocolate Tart with Crème fraîche Mousse--we had an incredible evening with minimal dish duty when we got home.
But, the turkey wasn't the only stuffed bird at this holiday dinner . . . take a look at my 37 week belly. YIKES . . . gobble, gobble!
Just think, this time next year, Noah Finn will be nearly a year old!
Hypnobirthing, In A Nutshell.
Many friends and family have asked us about Hypnobirthing, the birthing method that we have decided to use for the birth of Noah Finn. Whenever we explain the calm and confidence that we feel when we think of our impending birthing experience, we inevitably get asked what exactly Hypnobirthing is. So, we thought we'd explain for whoever might be interested in this old idea being put to new use. The following is pieced together from both our own understanding and the explanation provided on the Hypnobirthing website found at: www.hypnobirthing.com.
Hypnobirthing, the Mongan Method, is as much a philosophy as it is a technique. The concept of HypnoBirthing is not new, but rather a "rebirth" of the philosophy of birthing as it existed thousands of years ago and as it was recaptured in the work of Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, an English obstetrician, who, in the 1920s, was one of the first to forward the concept of natural birthing. The method teaches you that, in the absence of fear and tension, or special medical circumstances, severe pain does not have to be an accompaniment of labor.
Understanding how the birthing muscles work in perfect harmony--as they were designed to--when your body is sufficiently relaxed and you trust birth, helps you to achieve relaxation free of the resistance that fear creates. The birthing mother is then able to use natural birthing instincts for a calm, serene and comfortable birth.
When the birthing mother has her baby with HypnoBirthing, she will not be in a trance or a sleep. What she will experience is similar to the daydreaming, or focusing, that occurs when one is engrossed in a book or a movie or staring into a fire.
She will be conversant and in good spirits--totally relaxed, but fully in control. Awake throughout, she will be aware of her body's surges and her baby's progress; but because she will have trained herself to reach complete relaxation, she will be able to determine the degree and the manner in which she will feel the surges. She will experience birthing in an atmosphere of calm relaxation, free of the fear that prevents the muscles of her body from functioning as nature intended them to. In this calm state, her body's natural relaxant, endorphins, replaces the stress hormones that constrict and cause pain.
However, regardless of our expectations and planning we are prepared to be flexible and adapt to any circumstance that may arrive during delivery. Whatever the final method may be that delivers Noah Finn safely into this world, we look forward to sharing it with all of you! Wish us luck!
Belly Haute Couture.
She had been wanting to add pregnancy photographs to her photography portfolio. When she approached me about the idea, I jumped at the chance--and I am so glad I did. She is an incredibly amazing talent and it shows in the beautiful photographs that she shot.
Trust me, as far as models go, I am fumbling, awkward and spastic--the beauty in these photos speak truly to none other than her great skill and keen photographer's eye!
She took more than 160 photos in all, so the images below are just highlights from the shoot. To see a few more, click here.
Please stop by Marta's website for a glance at some of her other work: www.martapetrucci.com
Showered With Surprise.
We unfortunately didn't get any pictures of the good stuff--food, decorations or colleagues (with the exception of Mary Jo!)--but there are a few of Dean and I opening our "gift box"!
A Pea In The Pod.
Why Wood Does A Baby Good.
One of the many reasons that we have not had a microwave for nearly eight years now, for example, is partly due to the way in which plastic breaks down during the heating process. Overtime, the chemical compounds used in the manufacturing of most all plastic products are released into the food you eat.
Now, think of the world of baby. Plastic rules the day--most highchairs, bottles, car seats, teethers, strollers and toys are constructed out of some form of plastic. While these products may be the more convenient and affordable option over "greener" choices, are the risks worth it? We considered the following information when choosing products for little Noah and thought we'd take this time to share what we've learned about the way most modern toys are made today, the materials that are commonly used, and the dangers that they impose upon the little growing bodies that use them.
What a child learns from a toy, though essential, is far from the only thing parents must consider when choosing toys for their children. Many toys on the market are manufactured with environmentally unsafe materials.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a highly toxic plastic used in many cheaply manufactured infant and children’s toys.
- From the time it is produced, PVC never stops releasing toxins, including dioxin, which studies have linked to learning disabilities and cancer.
- PVC also releases phthalates—chemical compounds that make PVC plastic softer and more pliable.
What other toxic chemicals might be lurking in little Noah’s toybox? VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are commonly found in the paint used on children’s toys, but these days you can find a wide variety of manufacturers that use water-based and low-VOC or no-VOC paints.
We can also avoid exposing him to the residues of pesticides and fertilizers sprayed onto the fibers many toys (and clothes) are made of–or stuffed with–by choosing products made with:
- organic unbleached cotton
- bamboo
- tencel (an eco-friendly man-made fiber)
- wool
Bunking With Baby Is Not So Bad.
Thanks to Oma, for the beautiful crib, mom, the stunning changing table and friends and family, for all of the other goodies that we will use to provide tender, loving care.
Typically, I'm not a huge fan of bannering out baby's name with big chunky nursery letters--but the ones hanging over the changing table were an exception the moment I saw them. They were made from beautifully and authentically distressed wood taken from disassembled and then recycled railroad ties in India!
The only thing missing now is little Noah Finn! Until then, Miles and Linus are doing an aggravatingly good job of keeping all of the new snugly baby stuff warm while they nap.
And So The Blog Begins...Blogging At 35 Weeks.
And, so it is born (no, not Noah!--not yet) . . . our family blog, complete with the endless detailing of everything baby for those we love. I suppose it's our fault for living so blasted far away from doting grandmas, grandpas, aunts and uncles, but nevertheless, we are excited to bring to you all of the latest snapshots and going-ons of both our pregnancy and soon-to-be bundle of love!
So thanks, mom, for the urging to get this blog rolling! Everyone else, keep your eyes peeled as we'll be updating regularly, with love.