
HELP: Locks In Postpartum Peril!

I have a feeling this could be a postpartum phenomenon--unlustrous locks. I mean, with all of the better parts of mom going literally into the baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it's no wonder that her hair might fall a little short of being an attraction-worthy mane.

As mom's natural hair beautifying potion bids a farewell and catches a ride out with the breast milk every few hours (or every few minutes on some days), I began to wonder if there is any saving serum that is, well, green--meaning environmentally and animal friendly, natural, organic . . . well, you get the picture.

I have naturally curly, or rather indecisively wavy, dry hair--even before we moved to the deserty sands of southern California with 0% humidity, it was fairly moistureless. But, postpartum hormones paired with a lack of every kind to spend more than 30 seconds on my mop, has left my locks uninspired and lifeless, dull and dumpy. My normal all-natural go-to's have been unsuccessful at resuscitating this nest and I don't want to fall victim to Pantene's claims only to pay a price--chemically coiffed curls.

It's been 6 months since baby and I am finally back to my pre-pregnancy weight. One milestone down for mommy and yet another one to go . . . now, it's time to tackle and tame my temperamental tangles. Does anyone have any suggestions for natural hair care products for the postpartum "hair" blues? And, miracle elixirs that won't break the bank are especially appreciated--because miracles should always come cheap, right? Ha.


JJ Keith said...

The blog-o-sphere is awhirl with the no poo solution, as in stopping washing your hair. It sounds crazy, but people swear by it and it dovetails with your desire to not have chemical-y hair. Here's one blogger's account of being 2 1/2 months into the no poo experiment:
http://www.bytheseatofourpants.com/2009/07/i-havent-washed-my-hair-in-2-12-months.html. Her hair looks good, right? I'm thinking I might try because my hair has been brittle too.

m a m a :: m i l i e u said...

hmmm...interesting idea. i'll have to look into it! i am definitely up for anything! if you try it first let me know how it goes...xoxo

m a m a :: m i l i e u said...

p.s. when i saw "no poo", my mom brain immediately was thinking about poo . . . baby poo . . . no more baby poo? . . . and how all that tied in to nice hair. ugghh. mom brain. lol!

The Red Fantastic said...

Man, I just can't do no poo. It's a mental thing. I will be checking back to see if anyone else has any suggestions, though -- I could use this too. congrats on being back to your pre-preg weight!


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